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MQB BlackBox Car MIB2 Carplay Navigation Activation No Need FSC Code
MIB2 Carplay Navigation Activation BlackBox
the MIB2 black box likes a simulator. can activate navigation 5f without FSC code. Enable the Maps and App connect (Car play). Works on most of MQB cars including AUDI A3, one set can use on many cars.
Gate-way 3Q0 not supportted
Must work with VAS5054 or VAS 6154 OBD interface, ODIS-S software, ODIS Geko online account
to active the Navi, you must get the VIN and FAZIT info from a car which equiped with MIB2 (same model as your unit) then backup it. then connect to our box, code with odis online
How to use?
1. Find a car which equiped with mib2 function (same as your MIB2 unit), get the VIN and FAZIT info by using ODIS (see picture above), copy or take a picture and save it
2. Install mib2 unit to new car and remove cp
3. Than remove Gate-way and mib2 unit and connect on blackbox
4. Use the blackbox programm calculate the GFA keys and IKA keys.
5. Connect VAS5054A to the blackbox and mib2 unit and gate-way
6. Run ODIS and Go adaption 17 perform test, input the new GFA keys and IKA keys. apply and refresh to ensure the info be same as the original car which with mib2 function.
7. Do ks master Gate-way online function with ODIS
8. Do FFS Function activation with ODIS
Black box for MQB Activation
Black box 3.0 for MQB Activation
Blackbox3.0 software download
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