E-mail: sale@obdtools.net

VAG dash COM
is the unique advanced diagnostic tool to read out the internal memory of your Instrument cluster ,You can display the login code, recalibrate the odometer and rewrite the EEpromdata in case of changing an instrument.
VAGdashCOM covers up the models 1998-2004 such as:
Golf IV
Polo 6N
Eurovan T4
Eurovan T5
Audi A3 / A2 / A6
Audi A4 till 2000
All those models with communication via K-line
Additional items you'll need to use this tool:
Host: based or Pentium PC with a free Com1-8 port or USB port
Contact Information:
Whatsapp: +1 937 888 0032
Live Support: Chat with us online
E-mail: sale@obdtools.net
Skype: jansonsh@hotmail.com
If you have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us.