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SVCI DoIP JLR Diagnostic Tool with PATHFINDER & JLR SDD V157 for Jaguar Land Rover 2005-2019 with Online Programming Function
STC SVCI DoIP Jaguar Land Rover Diagnostic Tool with PATHFINDER & JLR SDD V157 Software Support JLR from 2005 to 2019 with Online Programming Function
STC SVCI DoIP Product Overview
The SVCI DoIP Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) is used by professional technicians as an aid in diagnosing and repairing vehicle electrical and electronic systems. The SVCI DoIP is designed to connect the vehicle to a host PC computer application which then functions though the SVCI DoIP for data transfer and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) reprogramming. Using the VCI Manager PC application software, The SVCI DoIP is capable of communicating over a USB cable.The SVCI DoIP is a standard-based tool – supporting the SAE J2534 interface, and the ISO22900-2 Diagnostic-Protocol Data Unit (D-PDU) API. Fully support JLR diagnostic software SDD2 and Pathfinder, including diagnostic, ECU update, CCF configuration and all the functions of JLR.
STC SVCI DoIP Appearance and detailsSVCI DoIP hardware has two LED light. Different LED represent different states. The LED light on the left flashing green indicates that the equipment is working normally, The LED light flashing red light indicates that the firmware is being upgraded. The LED on the right always lights up to indicate that DoIP protocol is activated, The LED on the right is flashing, indicating that it is communicating with the DoIP protocol. As shown in the figure below.
STC SVCI DoIP Technical Specifications
Protocol Type Protocol name Physical Layer l CANBUS Channel 1 at 125/250/500/1000kbps
l CANBUS Channel 2 at 125/250/500/1000kbps
l One UART channels (K & L Lines)
l One J1850Communication Layer l ISO9141
l ISO14230
l J1850 PWM(Ford SCP)
l ISO14229 JLR Powertrain CANBUS
l ISO14229 JLR Body CANBUS
l ISO14229 JLR Chassis CANBUS
l ISO14229 JLR Comfort CANBUS
l ISO13400 DoIPOthers l Pin voltage Measurement
l Programming Voltage Generator
l Internal Temperature Sensor
l Power through DLC or USB Type B Connector
STC SVCI DoIP Supported vehicles list
Software Name Vehicle Name Model Years Support’s functions SDD2 Land Rover L316 2005~2016 All L319 2005~2016 All L320 2005~2016 All L322 2005~2016 All L359 2005~2016 All L405 2005~2016 All L494 2005~2016 All L550 2005~2016 All L538 2005~2016 All Jaguar X100 2005~2016 All X150 2005~2016 All X152 2005~2016 All X202 2005~2016 All X250 2005~2016 All X350 2005~2016 All X351 2005~2016 All X400 2005~2016 All Pathfinder Land Rover L405 2017~latest All L494 2017~latest All L462 2017~latest All Jaguar X152 2017~latest All X761 2017~latest All X760 2017~latest All X260 2017~latest All Note: All JLR models produced after 2016 are applicable for pathfinder software, SVCI DoIP device will constantly update and support the latest JLR models. How to Use STC SVCI DoIP?If you want to use the SVCI DoIP device normally, you have to download and install three software, they are Pathfinder, SDD2 and SDD2 "QuickLoader" software. These three software can be installed in the same operating system together, and when you use SDD2 software, you have to open it from the SDD2 "QuickLoader" software. And when the software is installed, the device needs to be connected to the laptop and vehicle. The Pathfinder software is primarily intended for Jaguar Land rover models manufactured in 2017 and beyond, The SDD2 software is mainly aimed at Jaguar Land rover 2016 years models and before.
STC SVCI DoIP Software Download and install softwareInstallation steps of the PATHFINDER software:Step 1: Before installing the software, you need to make sure the C drive has a capacity of more than 250GB.Step 2: Access to software download center http://www.flyobd.com/shop/download-center/Step 3: Selection “Pathfinder” item and download pathfinder installerStep 4: Double-click the file that you download and saved, and then install it.Step 5: The pathfinder installer will automatically prompt you to download and update the software and files you need to install pathfinder(The automatic download and installation will takes up to 24 hours according to network download speed).
Installation steps of the SDD2 and SDD2 "QuickLoader" software:Step 1:Download software from http://diagnosticdelivery.jlrext.com/idscentral/Step 2:Selection the “SDD_xxx_Full.exe” file, download and save it.Step 3:Double-click the “SDD_xxx_Full.exe” file and install it.Step 4:Selection SDD2-"QuickLoader" item from http://www.flyobd.com/shop/download-center download and install it.Step 5:Double-click the “SDD2 "QuickLoader".exe” file and install it.2.2 Connected devicesAfter installing the software, you need to connect the equipment to the computer using a USB cable. Then connect the OBD interface of the vehicle through SVCI DoIP device, or connect the OBD interface of the vehicle and the equipment through the OBD extension cord. The equipment connection diagram is shown below.
SVCI DoIP Function Comparison With JLR VCI DoIP and DA-Dangle DoIP
Products SVCI DoIP JLR VCI DoIP DA-Dongle DoIP Installation Requirements Unlimited Unlimited Only win7 32bit system Installation Process Simple Simple Complex Communication Speed The fastest Faster Relatively slow Communication Stability Stabilization Stabilization General Automatic Scan to Read VIN √ √ √ Read DTC √ √ √ Read Single Data Stream √ √ √ Read Multiple Data Stream √ √ x ECU Reflash √ √ √ ECU Configuration √ √ √
1.What is SVCI DoIP ?SVCI DoIP is a special vehicle inspection tool for Jaguar Land rover models, it's manufactured by BAOCHI.2.What does SVCI DoIP do?SVCI DoIP hardware is compatible with SDD2 and Pathfinder software, which can achieve all the functions of these two software, it includes diagnostic, program ,immobilizer, change CCF configuration and special function etc. By the way, the original DoIP device can achieve the function, SVCI DoIP can also achieve.3.Is there a version limit for SVCI DoIP to use SDD2 and pathfinder software, and can they be used for free?SVCI DoIP hardware is compatible with all versions of SDD2 and pathfinder. The software is free to use, and SDD2 software can be run without registration.4.When is SDD2 software used and when is pathfinder software used?Use the SDD2 software when you come across a JLR vehicle from 2005-2016,When you come across the Jaguar Land rover models produced after the 2017 model year, you need to use the Pathfinder software.5.What are the advantages of SVCI DoIP ?SVCI DoIP hardware equipment is suitable for all Jaguar Land rover models of the year, and it can achieve all Jaguar Land rover functions. SVCI DoIP hardware itself is small and easy to take. In addition, there are several advantages:1)High speed host communication. (3M bps)2)Stable host communication. (with RTS/CTS flow control)3)Automatically register software.4)Online software update and keep software latest always.5)Online firmware update.
STC SVCI DoIP Package List:
1pc x SVCI DOIP JLR DoiP VCI Hardware1pc x Software CD1pc x USB cable1pc x User manual1pc x Outer packing1pc x OBD extension cord
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